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Simulation of a Budget to Study in Japan (with Part Time Job Income)

You can study in Japan with part time job money!!

Japanpedia -  Here is a simulation of a monthly budget to study in Japan. Foreign students are allowed to work part-time in Japan (a maximum of 28 hours per week) – and a majority of them do so. This is something that you may also consider. That will enable you to practice your Japanese and that will obviously help you financially. Assuming that the tuition fees, appliances and other items have been paid, you will see that daily expenses are covered by a part-time job.

To make this simulation realistic, we added as many expenses as should be (while remaining reasonable – for example our estimation does not count traveling). For instance, in many cases, students choose accommodations in a walking-distance from their school. Here we took into account public transportation commuting. Likewise, we counted 1,250 Yens for meals every day but when under budget restraints, students can lower this cost.
Please keep in mind that life in Japan is not so expensive. There are ways to keep expenses in check, for example by shopping at hyaku yen shops (shops that sell products at 100 yens only).
Below, you will find the case of a student enrolled in a one year program, in Kyoto, with housing in a shared apartment. In this scenario, the foreign student works as a waiter in a restaurant.

Simulation of a budget to study in Japan (Kyoto) :

 Monthly expenses:
Rent: 38,000 Yens (shared apartment)
Commuting (Suica card): 5,000 Yens
Food: 1,250 Yens x 30 days = 37,500 Yens
Other expenses (supplies …): 5,000 Yens
Going out on weekend (dinner, drink): 4 times/month x 2,000 Yens = 8,000 Yens
Total of monthly expenses: 93,500 Yens
 Monthly income:
Work (28 hours per week, 1,000 Yens per hour *): 28 hours x 4,25 weeks/month x 1,000 Yens =  119,000 Yens

Balance = 119,000 Yens - 93,500 Yens
20,500 Yens

Conditions for part-time work
No more than 28 hours per week.
No more than 8 hours per day during long holiday periods.

●Main places of work for international students

  • □ Hotels and inns
  • □ Restaurants (from fast food outlets and restaurants)
  • □ Language tutors teaching English and other languages
This is only a simulation of a budget to study in Japan. Of course, each situation is unique. Some people manage to keep expenses really low. Others may go out a lot and need a higher budget. In any case, what we would like you to remember here is that the Japanese law allows you to work up to 28 hours per week. And job opportunities are there for the taking. So we strongly recommend you to work in Japan. It will help not only your wallet but your experience in Japan, and of course your Japanese language skills.
* Minimum wages vary from prefecture to prefecture, from 800 Yens to 888 Yens in Tokyo (for more information about minimum wages in Japan, click here – page in Japanese only). Of course, wages depend on jobs and required skills. For example, a foreign student who teaches his/her own language may earn 2,000 Yens per hour. For less qualified jobs students earn around 1,000 Yens per hour.

Japanpedia Team,
Credit by studykyoto.jp, motivistjapan.com