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Salary Simulation If You Work In Japan (Tokyo) 2018

Table of Salary Simulation If You Work In Japan (Tokyo)

Salary Simulation If You Work In Japan (Tokyo)

Japanpedia - Tokyo is known as one of the most expensive cities in the world to live, but how much does it actually cost to live here? 

We break down our monthly fixed living expenses, cover various transportation costs, internet connectivity and annual taxes that you will be required to pay.

While the cost of living in Japan can vary greatly depending on the location, these numbers should give you a rough estimate of what it costs to start you new life in Japan.
We also briefly cover food and entertainment in the show but we didn’t include specific prices as those costs will vary depending on your lifestyle.
Rent: ¥75,000
Gas: ¥3000 ~ ¥4500
Water: Included with the rent
Electric: Included with the rent
Home Internet: ¥6121
Mobile Phone: ¥7800
Transportation: ¥7600

While this list does not cover all expenses of living in Tokyo it does give you a rough estimate.

Japanpedia Team, 

Credit by blog.gaijinpot.com, thejapanguy.com, numbeo.com